Here's What we know for sure. . .

You know it, we know it, everyone knows it. In this day and age it's only a matter of time before somewhere in the country we experience a power outage, be it man made or natural disaster.
So here's where great-grandmother's know-how meets today's modern electronic Mom and Dad. The author of this blog picks up where granny left off with simple everyday skills that will make living through a power outage a little less scary and hopefully, much more comfortable.

We are glad you're here.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

When You Just Have to Venture Out. . .Make Your Own pg. 6

"The two most important days in your life were the day you were born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain

I was forced to venture out of the house yesterday for supplies and hubby's medications. Kind of felt good to drive the back roads the 30 miles into town. It gave me a chance to see the rising water in the streams around the area. I can't remember a time when the water was this high, over spilling banks by acres not just a few feet. A couple of camps along the way were pretty wet, hope they had flood insurance.

I had to make three stop before heading home. At each stop I chatted with the cashier that stood on the other side of the Plexiglas barrier. "I disinfected the cash" I explained, as I passed it under the barrier. 

"Oh that smells nice." each would say. "What did you use?"

"I sprayed it with a diluted Thieves oil."

"What? Thieeeeeeeves?  Thieves oil, is that what you said? What is that?

"Yes, Thieves oil. I disinfected the cash." 

Then I went into an explanation of these guys that developed this stuff back. . .  well anyway.

Well, for crying out loud! I thought everyone knew about Thieves oil. I have written about it so much that I simply took it for granted that most everyone knew about it. And with all the essential oil companies springing up all over, I figured it was a given. 

"Ah, so not," explains Yoda, "busy jobs and families be."

So here it is once again for those of you that have not heard of one of the best anti-plague defenses for humans on the planet. You all know someone who sells essential oils, or at least it wouldn't take much effect to find one. They may have this blend of oils already for you, however, if you are into making your own listen up.

The story first;

This blend of essential oils was developed by an unlikely bunch of 15th century thieves and grave robbers who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed bodies of the dead and dying. The Black Death- more information When these nasty fellows were finally apprehended the judge made a deal with them for a more lenient punishment.  They were to disclose, to the court, what they used to protect themselves from getting sick while doing their dastardly deeds. And so they did.

Now, fast forward into the 20th century, folks at Weber State University of Ogden, Utah tore into this synergistic blend testing every molecule. What they discovered was that the properties of these essential oils are antimicrobial. Thieves oil was found to have 99.96% kill rate against airborne bacteria. They are highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious and actually help protect the body against such illnesses as flu, colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throats, cuts, etc. These were extraordinary findings!

The grave robbers simply rubbed the bottom of their feet with their oil blend, sometimes rubbing it into the skin on their stomach. Then they were able to rob dead bodies of their meager possessions such as gold wedding rings or gold teeth without themselves contracting the plague of the day.

Although, I don't feel the need to go out and rob dead people, I do put it into a spray bottle and spray my hands and face after going out and touching everything everyone else has touched. I spray my car, house, shoes, door knobs, whatever. Yeah, you can call me a germaphobe if you like. And it is wonderful for those days of a sinusitis attack. Just put a few drops in a pot of boiled water, cover your head with a towel and breath in the steam. It smells wonderful!

Ok, so here's the recipe; This is expensive as all hell if you make your self, but isn't your well being worth it?

200 drops or 1/2 ounce                    clove oil (syagium aromaticum)
175 drops                                         lemon oil (citrus limon)
100 drops                          cinnamon bark oil (cinnamoomun verum)
75 drops                                        eucalyptus oil(eucalyptus radiata)
50 drops                             rosemary oil (rosimarinus officinalis)

Put this blend into a brown bottle, shake to blend well. Label and date, always label and date every thing! 

For a potent diluted spray that can be used on children and toddlers clothes for when you need to take them out;

In a glass spray bottle add, 8 drops of the thieves oil blend you just made, to 1 to 2 ounces distilled water. This is what the recipe calls for but actually, I like to use Witch hazel solution instead of the water. Like the cheap stuff you get at Wal-Mart or Walgreens. 

If you wish to use it directly on the bottom of your feet or stomach, I would recommend diluting Thieves oil in a little carrier oil such a cooking oil or coconut oil. I have used it undiluted it BURNS if you get in a paper cut or scratch you did know you had.

Well there you have it.  Did I forget anything? I hope this helps you to be a little more proactive during this current world wide health crisis and take charge of your own well being. We can get through this!

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