Here's What we know for sure. . .

You know it, we know it, everyone knows it. In this day and age it's only a matter of time before somewhere in the country we experience a power outage, be it man made or natural disaster.
So here's where great-grandmother's know-how meets today's modern electronic Mom and Dad. The author of this blog picks up where granny left off with simple everyday skills that will make living through a power outage a little less scary and hopefully, much more comfortable.

We are glad you're here.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

It IS going to happen. . . Make Your Own pg.5

"The two most important days in your life were the day you were born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain

Day 25 of Covid crisis   April 8th, 2020

Bouncing off the walls yet? While the lock-down continues, some are living through horrific tornados, flooding, and earthquakes, while some of us are sitting here watching the snow pile up. If we are lucky only 6 inches by Monday in my area. 

So far, here at least, the power has not gone out. But you know it is only a matter of time before everyone will feel that pinch. I've posted a video down below that is scary as all hell, if even only half of it comes true. Time to learn some new skills, kids. Looks like all hell is about to descend upon us. 

A Look at All that Dirty Water

If for whatever reason the power grid in your area goes down there are diseases that can and will emerge very quickly, especially after an episode of flooding. Consider if you will the liquid items in most  everyone's garage, car oil and a spare can of gasoline or two, maybe a little diesel too. How about, lawn fertilizers or pesticides, and floating material from backed up sewer systems, to give you an example. During flooding these wonderful modern day conveniences make their way into the floodwater creating a deadly toxic stew. There is also the possibility of a dead animal or two floating by. Just the other day I went out to check on the level of the creek behind the house here. After the snow had melted, the quick flowing water revealed a half decomposed deer carcass that was hung up on a brush jam. That most undoubtedly ruins the tranquil ambiance of a peaceful creek meandering through the woods, also makes the water foul, smelly, and slimy. Most of water nasties are covered in the book at the right side of this blog.

10 Diseases that Emerge After a Long Term Power Outage

Third world countries are all too familiar with these diseases, but  are as a rule, water borne diseases are never thought about here in this country where sanitation is the normal and not the exception. Unless, of course, you work in the industry. Hubby worked at a waste water treatment plant for 32 years, this subject is all too familiar to us. 

Typhus- caused by body lice, ticks and rat fleas.
Typhoid- is a bacterial infection due to a specific type of Salmonella. Typhoid is spread by eating or drinking water contaminated with feces of an infected person. Risk factors are due to poor sanitation and poor hygiene.
Cholera and Dysentery- very popular around the world, microorganisms enter the body through contaminated food and water which cause the body s' natural defense to try and eliminate them by flushing the system.This creates a dangerous diarrhea situation. Can be deadly if not treated quickly.
Hantavirus- from mouse droppings. Flu like symptoms, 38% fatality rate. You will often encounter this in stuffy attics where mice frequent.
Leptospirosis- rodent urine found in warm, stagnant water. Sometimes on top of canned goods in your cupboard. 50% fatality rate. Grandmother always washed off the tops of her canned goods before opening them. I have adopted a similar habit.
Food Poisoning- caused by by bacteria in spoiled, dirty or under cooked food. 
Heart Attacks and Strokes- mostly seen as stress related and over exertion at such a time. "Men's hearts failing them from fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." Luke 21:26
Emerging Diseases- new diseases and those yet out there on the horizon such as coronavirus and other bioweapons.

These are just a few examples of an added burden after a power outage has lasted more than a few days or a flooding situation. Might I suggest that you make yourself familiar with these things now, while you are stuck at home with a computer. The more you know the less, the more prepared you can be. 

For a scary as all hell audio, click here  You may be sorry you listen to this, I was! Sometimes ignorance is bliss. 

Until we meet again, please like, share and comment. 

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