Here's What we know for sure. . .

You know it, we know it, everyone knows it. In this day and age it's only a matter of time before somewhere in the country we experience a power outage, be it man made or natural disaster.
So here's where great-grandmother's know-how meets today's modern electronic Mom and Dad. The author of this blog picks up where granny left off with simple everyday skills that will make living through a power outage a little less scary and hopefully, much more comfortable.

We are glad you're here.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

It comes in Threes.

"The two most important days in your life were the day you were born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain

                     This is for real! 12 minute video gives you the "why/who?"

                                                            Click the highlighted link.

 Because we need to watch for this,  America could come to its knees with a one, two, three punch. Talking heads are saying how FEMA is already stretched thin.  So, keep an eye on the news;

 Orville dam in California -- word on the street is it is close to collapsing

Hurricane Irma-- could it make landfall as a cat.  5 or 6?

and the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. They are still recuing people.

If NK makes good on it's EMP threat, lights out,  hope you have your preps in order.

Reports from Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show says there are UN vehicles moving around the country as we speak.


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